Sometimes all it takes is a little hands-on mentoring to take you over the top…

"3 Simple Steps To Getting Blessed, Really Fast In 2015: First, Gather As Much Prayers As You Can Lay Your Hands On... Second, Get Your Prayer Engines Started EARLY... And Third, When You're Finally Ready...

Do Whatever You Can To Secure Some Focused,
Intense Coaching Time With An Honest Mentor Who Knows How To Teach.”

And the truth  is, there aren’t more than a handful of spiritual teachers out there who can help you translate those wonderful New year prophecies (you receive them at the beginning of every year) into physical reality.

It takes more than claiming prophecies, more than “sowing seeds,” much more than falling under the anointing (or being slain in the spirit, as some people call it)… to actually “taste” or experience manifestations in the real world.

If you are ready, this is the opportunity for that hands-on promises-to-reality experience that will change everything for you… IN 90 DAYS OR LESS 

From: Elisha Goodman

Time: Sunday, 1 a.m.

Calvary Greetings…

It’s late as I write this. I can’t sleep, because the excitement of this new “Prayer Academy 2015” event that is about to take off has pushed my spiritual thermostat way up… the ideas and words for this letter are pouring out almost too fast to catch as I type.

This is going to be a very rare moment… helping thousands CAPTURE their divine benefits for this year NOW… before they have a chance to slip through the fingers… as in past years.

So you need to read this now, while it’s in front of you. And you need to decide right away… because once the few spaces are filled, that’s it. There’s a severe limit, because of the personal attention required for each person. I cannot do this kind of coaching with a crowd.

“Thank you for a worthy tutoring year … You are the best spiritual coach I ever had and a great friend as well…”

– Sisilia, Australia

For most of you, this will be like no other spiritual program you’ve ever experienced.

It will be small, intimate… and conducted by email and, in VERY rare cases, even over the PHONE (where possible)… and totally focused on helping you pray your 2015 blessings into physical manifestation… that you can see, feel and touch.

The results of being part of this will shock you.

Here’s the story: Long ago, during the 1980s, the “prayer point” format was created by some anointed ministers of God… out in the spiritual warfare trenches.

A few legendary teachers and preachers used it first… and it began to spread on a small, almost “word of mouth” basis. Then an international ministry focused on healing and deliverance did it next… formalizing the approach and for the first time, backing up this manner of praying with strong examples from the Bible.

I came in contact with one of these legendary teachers (by divine appointment) and immediately enrolled in his spiritual training school.

Our assignment every Sunday (and Wednesday evening) after church was to… 

“Identify members with the toughesthardest problems
… and pray with them until the problems disappeared!”

There was NO room for anything that didn’t work. You had to prove that the problem had indeed disappeared before you could be given other assignments!

By the way, to this day only very few ministries have enough confidence in God to try this… most won’t even go there, preferring to make all kinds of excuses… while their members are suffering and living lives of quiet desperation.

Anyway, during those hot, intense prayer sessions I saw for the first time what can only be described as the supernatural healing power of God at work… in its raw, undiluted and most potent form, where:

Those wildly-successful sessions became the model for almost every event that I have held since. It’s still a good way to handle difficult, stubborn situations confronting believers…

… because at its core are lots of powerful healing and deliverance Scriptures, wrapped up and delivered as something I nicknamed “killer prayer bullets” when I received a divine mandate to start this online prayer school 10 years ago.

I used to enjoy those sessions of long ago. The prayers really worked FAST then.

I remember one evening they dragged in a man who had suffered a massive stroke and was almost paralysed in one arm and leg. After an intense 45-minute prayer action, the man motioned to someone to help him up (he couldn’t talk).

We helped him up and he took one wobbly, shaky step after another. For 10 minutes. All of a sudden, he yelled, broke free and began to run around… totally healed!

These days you only see such sight at a few anointed Christian crusades where the power of God is really moving…


I find out that most of them out there, while still being used of God to draw souls into the kingdom seem to have missed a critical element of those early earth-shaking sessions that I used to participate in.

It was the one thing that made those sessions so legendary.

Specifically we called them: Prayer Riots

You see, back then we had a very structured approach which was not readily apparent to the “naked” eye. In the very first session, we would pray and give you prayer “bullets” to provoke dreams and revelations… about the root cause of your problems.

But… that was just the “warm up” act.

Getting the dreams and visions were amazing and anyone trained in how to understand their dreams could easily take them, search the scriptures for the appropriate prayer bullets to use… and literally pray problems out of their lives… and open up a flood of unstoppable divine breakthroughs.

Still, the “real” session didn’t start… until we began with the “Prayer Riot.”

What's a Prayer Riot?

We’d usually place the person we’re praying for in a seat between several “prayer warriors”. We would then systematically deal with their issues starting from their DREAM experiences… and proceeding to other (often seemingly unrelated) areas of their Christian walk as the Holy Spirit led us.

We started this almost as an afterthought… yet the first people to go through it… sooner or later… excitedly came back to testify that…

Every Problem They Came With Had Disappeared!

People were stunned at how quickly the LORD was using our Prayer Riot sessions to solve what seemed like truly horrible disasters and crises and problems.

The folks we ministered to actually looked dazed. These were problems that had consumed their waking hours, exhausted their resources, and frustrated every other “anointed” minister they contacted… and it took us maybe 2 to 3 sessions to uncover the root causes, redirect their praying, SOLVE the biggest problems… and even lay out a 30-day follow-up program, complete with relevant Scriptures and prayer bullets.

What I’ve just described to you… took many years of  prayer and fasting, PLUS a special gift of the Holy Spirit called “discernment“… to happen.

Years ago, because of numerous letters I received from my international readers (in 117 countries) who do not understand that the secret of many human problems can be traced to their dreams, it suddenly dawned on me that…

Most People Are Failing On Their Beds… Before They Even Have A Chance To Wake Up In The Morning

… If only they had a little insight into the “coded” messages they are receiving in their dreams.

Plus, how critical it is to pray the good dreams into physical manifestation while rejecting and cancelling the bad and ugly through targeted midnight prayers… 

I began by hosting an online-only event — The Prayer Academy — during which I applied an updated version of the same principles and  prayer bullets we used to pray at the Prayer Riot sessions.

The Prayer Academy turned out to be even MORE successful than the prayer sessions of long ago that I described earlier (for reasons I’m going to explain shortly).

To date I’ve  received over  5000 tangible praise reports, from 117 countries, testifying to the grace and power of God that’s available for us to draw upon during these marathon prayer sessions.

As I write this… more testimonies are still coming in… daily. Praise the LORD.

You can see a tiny sample of the most recent praise reports here and here.

Now You Can Discover The Prayer Secrets of 21st Century Most Effective Spiritual Champions!

Praise the LORD.

Now, for many of the success stories you read on our websites, there is usually ONE critical element present…

And that is: Coaching

… focused, intense coaching time… from ME and my hand-picked team of prayer advisors.

Now, here’s a secret that only a few people know:

One-on-one mentoring is the answer to rapid change and personal, professional and spiritual growth

Books, CDs, tapes, seminars and courses you purchase are great (including the miracle services and crusades you attend), but they’re limiting in 3 important ways:

I’ve decided to over-emphasise that critical element – structured one-to-one coaching – and offer it again to A FEW people who have never had the opportunity to taste what it means to receive answers … sometimes while still praying.

And this is important…

Just in case you are serious about seeing the promises, prophecies, and blessings that you’ve been told will come to you in 2015.

You do realize, of course, that you heard similar prophecies of blessings at the beginning of last year?

If you, like many, had no one to help you navigate into your Promised Land — someone willing to show you how to do it step by simple step — then you would have been left wondering at the end of the year. Where was the breakthrough?

You need NOT go through that ordeal this year ... if you take action NOW

Throwing your lot in with a genuine JESUS-commissioned mentor and coach (with no ulterior motives) should be a HUGE part of your plan to accomplish your BIG DREAM…  all through this year.

What Should You Expect…

More than ever, these “COACHING” sessions will take you through 7 groundbreaking lessons and prayer sequence that will help transform the totality of your life and manifest your breakthroughs physically for all to see…  

You will discover:  

Who Should Definitely NOT Be Part Of This...


Because we are going to pray the Word of God till … it becomes FLESH.

During the last Prayer Academy event, we had thousands of visitors coming to our site daily… from all over the world. One day I posted a little prayer manuscript to sanitize your foundation and within hours 20,193 people downloaded it.

The News Spread By Word of Mouth

And frankly, I really love visitors who were referred by someone who found our prayer “bullets” effective.

Thousands have now been introduced to our teachings on prayer this way, praise the living JESUS!.

We have an urgent mandate to reach thousands more this year. By introducing a structured coaching program like this one, more and more believers are going to get blessed, very rapidly… 

And the word will spread even further… 

Right now, there is just a screaming NEED in the world for a Christian program where the Scripture in Luke 7:7… (only speak the word and your servant shall be healed)… can be validated over and over again … no matter where you happen to be on the planet.

It’s a TON of work for me and my tiny staff… an exhausting amount of praying and fasting. If you look at the testimonials and praise reports on our website, you know there is nothing else to prove, either…

… the LORD stands ready to prove Himself as a prayer-answering God to most of those who join our prayer programs … and that’s what makes this so exciting.

My job is to unveil prayer secrets that would lead to healing and deliverance for someone who is READY for GOD to liberate them… so they can jump on the fast track and begin to pursue their divine destiny with haste.

Because anytime now the last trumpet shall sound.

Time is almost running out.

In the Prayer Academy, I teach people to abandon all sophistry … and go about the business of praying as if your life depends on it.

In the upcoming Prayer Academy there are additional prayer bullets to:

The list goes on and on.

In the next Prayer Academy scheduled to start on the 25th, we’ll take off with a very special 21-day Marathon, using a prayer SEQUENCE I pulled out of active service 3 years.     

This particular sequence of prayers will give you the required spiritual momentum if you want to manifest divine blessings in every area of your life … every single month of this year.

Here's what I've got for you:

But wait … there’s more.

As An Added BONUS, You Receive The Complete UPDATED 9-Piece Kit Consisting Of...

1. Personal Mentoring. A personal one-on-one session by email
2. Book – Prayer of Caleb … incl. 201 prayer points – ($47 value)
3. Special Report – “Spiritual Vampires” Special Report –
4. Ebook – “Dream CODE” complete with 111 prayer points
5. EBook – “Prayer DNA Secrets” — ($37 value)
6. EBook – “Prayer Cookbook for Busy People” — ($39.95 value)
7. Ebook – #1 Secret for Getting Out of Debt (includes 101 prayer points)
8. Specially Customized Prayer Points – “As Needed ” —
9. Online Chat Sessions- Weekly

Here's How To Join - Simply Click The Link Below

“Yes, I Want To Order The 9-Piece Kit 
And Secure My Seat For The NEXT Prayer Academy Right Now>>”

For those who have never participated in the Prayer Academy (or who participated but prayed in a lukewarm manner), there’s no way I can put into words what you stand to experience in the next 90 days… as a result of being part of this next one. 

Only a few 100 people will be admitted to the next session. Should you choose to accept this challenge, you need to sign up early before the system cut-off date (we don’t know why but our new computer system cuts off registration on the 19th.)

“Yes, I know it’s time to get into
the Next Prayer Academy”

Here’s one that came in from Teddy, from past Prayer Academy:

"The Most Amazing Thing happened..."

The most amazing thing happened to my friend yesterday after I gave him only two prayer bullets from your ebook.

We stay together in one flat with my friend Timothy. We work almost 500 metres apart and so we normally go together every morning and evening.

Yesterday he mentioned to me about his boss who passed on. I having been so sensitized by your prayer points and the aggressive nature of releasing the prayer bullets, I saw an opportunity for my friend’s promotion. He is desirous to take up the position permanently cos currently he is merely acting.  

The Spirit of the Lord directed me to give him only two of your prayer bullets. “I sprinkle the blood of Jesus over my land in Jesus name and I ask the blood of Jesus to speak over my land” points.

Guess what.. my friend followed the instructions and by evening the same day he received a call from the CEO and was asked to forward all his testimonials. Surely Elisha this prayer points works so fast that one is left struggling to believe that God can really move with such speed. – Teddy M

And can you believe it?

3 weeks later the friend that Teddy is referring to above confirms the story … and signs up for the Prayer Academy:

I am Teddy's Friend !

I was introduced to this site by a friend, Teddy L. Munyalo, who had seen his life transformed through your teachings.

He gave me two prayer points and when I unleashed them in the office, things started happening.

I also tasted victory after ordering the Prayer Cook Book for Busy People and praying Step 3 and 4 prayers on a situation I was facing.

My motivation to order the books and subscribe to the Prayer Academy is a deep desire to be a prayer warrior and to use the weapon of prayer that God has given us as his children…

– Timothy Malusi

What a Mighty GOD we serve!

Be An Overcomer!

Firesprings Ministries
2679 Howard Avenue Suite 138
Windsor, ON N8X 3X2

PS: One last thing — I almost forgot…

If you know anyone who is afraid of losing their jobs, or has been looking for a better job for a while please forward a copy of this page to them and challenge them like this:


“YES, I Want To Order The “COMPLETE KIT”
And Sign Up For The Next Prayer Academy Right Now”