© 2021 Prayer Eagles Forum
Facing yet another rejection, our subscriber cried out in desperation. I was brutally honest with her when I answered her question… for a reason which you will understand shortly
[Please Read On To Find Out]
Dear Subscriber,
Her email popped into my inbox while I was in the middle of answering 1513 emails that had spilled over from the previous week.
“Elisha, See what I mean? I just got this from a recent job application. I am going to pray alright but right now I feel like I am at the end of my rope…”
[Fwd: Letter of rejection from an executive recruitment agency] ……
My response was immediate (and almost brutal).
“Beloved Sister F,
No problem. Keep praying and keep applying to even MORE jobs. The more they reject you the bigger your testimony will be.
I have walked in your shoes. Let me give you a personal example —
Many months ago (in July 2013) I, elisha goodman applied for something VERY important to me and my family and was rejected 4 times!
YES, I was rejected 4 times.
But then the Holy Spirit led me to pray like this:
‘Covenant keeping God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in the places where they have rejected me, cause them to call me back and fall over themselves to help me in Jesus’ name.’
I didn’t stop there.
August 1st I embarked on our annual Golden Journey prayers, along with everyone else in our 24-hour blog.
Within days two of those places called me back!
Two weeks later the contract was signed, sealed and delivered.
Those who knew about it are still shell-shocked at the way the Lord intervened for us.
He will do the same for you if you refuse to quit. God bless you.”
– elisha
The Holy Spirit moved me to send this answer to everyone on my subscriber list …… because thousands of believers are suffering from one form of rejection or another.
This is NOT armchair theory.
What you see here is backed up with the power and authority of Heaven.
Within 24 hours of sending that email, the results started coming in…
Here’s the VERY first one:
I just wanna thank God for the greatness He has done for me this week.
I have been applying for jobs ever since last year May to no avail. I was rejected from so many jobs – up to 30, yes I say 30 jobs. I was so frustrated, depressed and feeling worthless. I kept on doing courses in the hope that I will get a job, but nothing.
I wanted to give up on God but my mind would say “who will you rely on except God” and this voice encouraged me to trust in the Lord though it was hard. In the last month, August I applied for 3 posts and was rejected one post.
The rejection letter stated that I have most of the essential criteria but I don’t have experience. I was so angry and got my phone, and asked why don’t I be given a chance to at least be interviewed since I have the package but not experience?
The lady told me that the post needed someone who has the experience and that’s how it is. I asked her if it also means that I won’t be given a chance with the other two posts. She said yes because I don’t have experience.
I was deeply hurt but trusted in the Lord. On the early Monday at 0105 am – 09/09/2013 Elisha you sent me an email which had the below prayer:
‘Covenant keeping God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in the places where they have rejected me, cause them to call me back and fall over themselves to help me in Jesus’ name.’
I prayed it two times and went to sleep just to be woken up by a call at 0905 am -09/09/13 from the offices I was told I won’t be given a chance because of no experience.
The call said I was to come for an interview on the 11/09/13. I went for an interview yesterday and after an hour I was told I was successful.
You know I can’t stop smiling……I am so amazed by God’s power. I can now say that trust, persistence, patience and faith in the Lord Jesus all pay up at His right time. Right now I can’t stop thanking him. And ask God to continue using you to strengthen lives. God bless.
– Atla S, Germany
Praise the LORD.
If you’ve ever wondered why you receive these unusual, warlike and aggressive prayer “bullets” FIRST THING IN THE MORNING from this site … well, there’s a reason why I send them.
Of course, there are things that will never be right, I know.
But as long as I keep receiving thousands of emails from fellow Christians tormented by:
You can be sure our prayer bullets will become even MORE aggressive and devastating.
See these 3 sample RESULTS:
I would like to give praise and glory to the Lord for His faithfulness in my life. My husband who had left me even filed for divorce for no proper reason got reconciled to me after 4 years. Indeed there is nothing too hard for the Lord. I joined the Prayer Academy and prayed the prayers from Prayer Cookbook for Busy people and God came to my rescue and took away my shame. To Him alone be all the glory and honour. To my fellow friends who are still struggling in one area or another, please don’t give up, our God is more than able.
– Ethel G, Zambia
“Dear Elisha,
I truly thank God that l miraculously landed on Elisha’ website which has changed my spiritual life & destiny totally. I was tired of going church to church to be prayed for, UNTIL when Elisha taught me how to pray for myself for everything in life. I joined the prayer Academy last year on 25th July 2012. I prayed earnestly to God for a husband who was God fearing, indeed by the end of the Prayer Academy, my husband showed up, as i speak now, we wedded on 25th may 2013. All the Glory goes back to God. Elisha prayers really work l have proof on them. Thank You Elisha for your teachings, Thank you Thank you, they’ve taken me to another level l’ve always desired to be.”
– Trisha, Uganda
A few years ago, I had a very evil dream. I dreamt that I had been bitten by a snake in the presence of my grandparents. I didn’t understand what the dream meant and had not grown sufficiently in my spiritual life to deal with the dream as I should have but 2 weeks later, I became very sick. I was diagnosed with diabetes.
Both my grandparents (on my mother’s side – the ones in the dream) have diabetes. I went through a real furnace. Finally, after a period of feeling like the world has ended, I came across Elisha`s prayer bullets. I prayed like I’d never prayed before, spent money on the gym, began to eat healthy, lost 10kg, spoke the scriptures on divine health to myself everyday like a mad woman.
Finally, after one year, I went for a medical exam. The results showed no trace of the disease. I’m totally free of diabetes. My grandfather was so encouraged by my miracle that he too started to exercise his Christian faith and he’s now free of diabetes.
– Deborah, Kenya
Praise the LORD for all these wonderful reports … PROOF that our God is still answering prayers today!
Now listen carefully.
There are prayers going on here all the time.
The kind of prayers to…
For those who have never participated in the Prayer Academy (or who participated but prayed in a lukewarm manner), there’s no way I can put into words what you stand to experience in the next 90 days…
… as a result of being part of the next Prayer Academy.
(Note: This is only for those who have never joined. For those who have passed through the Academy, please proceed to the next level programs.)
Note that if you wait till the last minute (especially from the 20th of the month) the system may automatically move your registration to the NEXT month.
And you will not be able to start with everyone else on the 25th of this month.
If you ordered your Breakthrough Essentials Kit in the last 3 weeks, please look for an INVITATION to the Prayer Academy … in your inbox.
Subject line of the email is:
[WELCOME EMAIL] Thank you for your order (please see ebooks attached)
If you do not receive this email within 48 hours of signing up, please do one of two things:
#1: Check your SPAM folder. It is possible that the email has been blocked / filtered / flagged as SPAM by over-zealous software that you may be using to protect your inbox from the epidemic of spam we’re seeing these days.
#2: Please send an email to me with subject line: STILL WAITING
Then we’ll resend the Invitation Email to you.
Once you receive that INVITATION, please begin with the Starter Prayers immediately.
Then please Please PLEASE follow the instructions.
Now is a good time to include my email elisha@firesprings.com in your address book, so you can receive all our confidential prayer alerts in the future.
So many people miss my emails because of their SPAM blockers, especially if they are using the office email address (something I advise against).
So if you want to join (and have ordered your kit), watch out for my email with the subject line:
[WELCOME EMAIL] Thank you for your order (please see ebooks attached)
It will only be sent ONCE to those who have met the conditions. As soon as you get it, please read it carefully and take action immediately.
It is time to press the attack. You must determine NOT to leave your divine benefits in the warehouse of the enemy this month.
Please say this with me:
“I will not be bought off.”
“I will not sell out.”
“I will not quit…
This year I will TAKE BACK all the enemy had stolen from me in the name of Jesus”
Be An Overcomer In Christ!
Elisha Goodman
2679 Howard Ave Suite 138
Windsor, ON N8X 3X2
I’d love to send you nice, flowing prayers that sound very poetic and politically correct. And tell you that everything is OK. But that wouldn’t get us the answers you are seeing on this site. Till things get better for our subscribers, please expect even MORE aggressive prayer bullets this month, especially in the Prayer Academy.
“Yes, I Want To Order The 9-Piece Kit And Secure My Seat For The Next Prayer Academy Right Now>>”
There are miracles and breakthroughs attached to every single prayer bullet in the Academy, as you will see shortly, if you persist till the end.
PPS: For those who have NEVER joined the Academy, I cannot begin to tell you what you are missing. Thankfully a golden opportunity has just opened up in front of you.
As you read this Jaya, a modern-day prayer eagle from Mumbai, India is busy telling her friends (and anyone who cares to listen):
The real blessings and encounter with our Lord Jesus begins when you join the Prayer Academy. It’s a challenge, it took me 2 years to save and join this Golden Journey. I am highly blessed. Just join by force, the enemy wont let you do it easily. I am praying for you.
Be a catalyst in HIS kingdom
– Jaya C, Mumbai, India
Another full session kicks off on the 25th.
See full details here and below:
© 2021 Prayer Eagles Forum